Coda Honor
Barberhop Quartet
South East Michigan
Greater Detroit Chapter
Pioneer District
Barbershop Hamrony Society
Aaron Wilson --
Dave Montera --
Ray Sturdy --
Euel Kinsey
 Aaron Wilson - Lead |
Aaron Wilson sings Lead in the quartet and is also the webmaster. Aaron works in the IT field in the and is a native Hoosier, moving to Michigan in 2008.
He was introduced to Barbershop in 2002, and was hooked from the begining. Singing with the Columbus-Greenwood Indiana Chapter (The Chordlighters) was a great introduction into barbershop and the great group of guys this society is. Aaron served as President of the Chapter for 2 years. During this time he also sang baritone in the chorus and as part of a 6 person group called Coalition.
He is also active in the Harmony Brigade organization. He's the webmaster for that group as well. He's a member and been attending the Indiana Harmony Brigade since 2004 and also have been to the first two Great Lakes Harmony Brigade rallies.
 Dave Montera - Bass |
Dave Montera sings Bass (no, not the fishy part) in the group. He began his singing career watching the Mickey Mouse Club on television, and singing along. Since that time he has graduated to singing along with the radio in the car, but not while his wife is riding with him.
Joining his first barbershop chorus while still in high school Dave has sung in New York and Michigan. The problem is, he can't figure out which part to sing. A lead for most of the many years he been in barbershopping, Dave has also sung tenor in a quartet, and still sings lead with his "other" quartet the Forum Shoppers. They are a group of four lawyers who sing legal parodies (as opposed to illegal parodies!) and perform for many Bar Associations throughout the state of Michigan.
As a bass, Dave makes a good cup of coffee. Currently the President of the Pioneed District of the Barbershop Harmony Society Dave has held most administrative offices with the Chapter, with which he has been associated since 1980.
 Ray Sturdy - Baritone |
Ray Sturdy sings Baritone in the group. Ray is a retired utility worker whose roots go deep into barbershop singing. He claims his grandfather outfitted the first barbershop quartet contest winners at his ready-to-wear store in Bartlesville, Oklahoma in the 1930's. As a youth, he used to play in the park across the street from the Barbershop Harmony Society's headquarters in Northwest Detroit. Ray has played the violin, trumpet, and was the lead bugler in his Boy Scout troop.
He began his barbershop career singing in the later part of the last century with a group called Today's Lineup that was well known and in high demand throughout the West (-ern parts of Wayne County).
Today Ray also sings with the Gentleman Songsters chorus in Royal Oak and the Big Chief Chorus in Waterford.
 Euel Kinsey - Tenor |
Euel Kinsey sings Tenor. He has sung with many ensembles over the years, notably the Ford Motor Chorus. He is also an accomplished clarinet player.